Western Australia
Under the WA School Education Act, parents may exercise the educational choice to register as home educators, thereby assuming responsibility for delivering education during their children's compulsory years of schooling.
We acknowledge the Aboriginal people of the many traditional lands and language groups of Western Australia. We acknowledge the wisdom of Aboriginal Elders both past and present and pays respect to Aboriginal communities of today.
In Western Australia, registration for home education is a legally recognised alternative to enrolling your child in school.
The WA Department of Education states that you must register as a home educator if you wish to teach your child at home and your child is in the compulsory education period.
The compulsory education period in WA is from the beginning of the year in which the child reaches the age of 5 and 6 months until the end of the year in which the child reaches the age of 17 and 6 months, or the child reaches the age of 18, whichever happens first.
Parents are to inform the Department of Education within 14 days of removing their children from school (or 14 days after the child would have commenced school in this WA). The parents are then issued with a certificate of registration as the child's home educators. The School Education Act 1999, provides further detail of the legal provisions.
As of January 2021, the number of registered home educated students in Western Australia was 4553. That represents an increase of since 10.6% 2020, and 31.4% over the 5 years 2017-2021. We note that student numbers are as of March 31 for all the years except 2021. The population growth in WA has been less than 1.9% annually over the same time period.

Data Source: Department of Education WA

The HEA Registration Support Team is available to help answer questions you may have in regards to state registration, or offer support if you need. Email support@hea.edu.au.
While we hope you will consider membership with us, the HEA supports Australian home educators regardless of membership.
The HEA also has a phone Helpline with experienced home educators who can assist you with any general home education questions you may have, particularly 'how to get started'. 1300 72 99 91
Registration Overview

Fill out an Application Form for WA home education registration and send to your regional education office , rather than to the Central Office of the Department or to the Minister for Education. Ring the appropriate office and ask to speak to the home educator moderator. (MAP here.)
You should lodge your application form either prior to removing your child(ren) from school, or within 14 days of doing so. Notifying the school principal information is located here.
With your application you will need to produce a copy of each child's birth certificate or extract, and any extant court orders.
If you are not the natural or adoptive parent of your child, it will also be necessary to provide documentation that demonstrates your legal right to apply for registration. The home educator moderator can help you with what needs to be done.
Certificate of Home Education
Once your application has been processed you will receive your Certificate of Home Education. Your registration certificate will not expire - it is ongoing unless you put your children back in school.
The home educator is responsible for the child's educational programme from the date set out in the certificate as the day of registration.
WA registration will require you to meet the standards of the WA Curriculum.
The Western Australian Curriculum encompasses ACARA's Australian curriculum English, Mathematics and Science. In addition, year-level syllabuses for Humanities and Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education, Technologies, The Arts and Languages remain broadly consistent with the Australian curriculum but have been contextualised to make them more suitable for Western Australian students and teachers.
Visits by the Home Education Moderator - from the WA Dept of Education
While you are registered you are required to have visits from a home education moderator. Your first visit is within 3 months of registration then each year after that.
Information and Guidelines regarding what is required at these visits can be found here.
The moderator usually visits for about 1-2hours and will assess your home education plan and see that you are providing an educational plan aligned with the WA Curriculum.
They will ask to see your children and where your child does their lessons.
They will want to see samples of work and evidence of learning to make sure your child is making progress. You can provide written samples or photos, reports, videos and even PowerPoint presentations to show your child’s learning progress.
The moderator should be supportive and helpful.
They will likely ask you questions on how you plan to cover various subject areas. Refer back to the WA Curriculum, letting them know you will be following that.
The majority of home educators are then recommended for approval of homeschooling.
On the rare occasion that you are not approved you can appeal and contact the HEA at support@hea.edu.au and ask for help.
WA legislation does not require that the moderator's visit take place within your home.
State Resources for Home Educators
Medical and dental services
Home-educated students are entitled to access the school medical service and the school dental service provided by the Department of Health. Local public schools can provide the telephone number of the school nurse and the school dentist for appointments. Evidence of registration will be needed at the appointment.
Educational - Support
Learning at Home
Support for parents and carers
Free Learning resources by year level
Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
Contact your regional office and your moderator to discuss any changes that may occur for your visit.
A-E Exemplars - through the School Curriculum and Standards Authority's "Extranet"
Annotated samples of student work, titled ‘A – E Exemplars’ are available for home educators. The exemplars provide examples of students’ work at each year level between K-10. Each exemplar provides the learning area, outcome, context and the grade received. The exemplars may be used by home educators as a monitoring and assessment tool. The A – E Exemplars are available on the Department’s Curriculum Support website.
The materials and resources include:
P–10 judging standards work samples
Year 11 and 12 grading materials
externally set tasks with associated marking keys and work samples
examination reports for ATAR course examinations
Home educators seeking access to the Authority’s Extranet should email the Authority.
Students with disability and additional needs
The Abilities Based Learning Education, Western Australia (ABLEWA) resources support the teaching and learning of students with disability and additional needs who are unable to access the P-10 curriculum. The ABLEWA curriculum for all learning areas, other than Languages, is integrated into the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline as Stages A to D. ABLEWA is not mandated.
ABLEWA resources are available on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website.
Home educators seeking access to the Assessment Tool and online Professional Learning should contact the Authority by emailing ablewa@scsa.wa.edu.au
Scootle is a web based resource bank which provides access to digital teaching and learning content published by Education Services Australia (ESA). While they are registered home educators, parents may request access to Scootle by emailing E-Schooling@education.wa.edu.au
STEM resources - free
In term Swimming Program
Students of primary school age registered for home education are entitled to access in term swimming classes by arrangement through the Swimming and Water Safety Department's Interm Swimming
Application for home educated children to participate in Interm Swimming, and
Interm Swimming enrolment form
one enrolment form for each child is required
information completed where applicable, in particular any medical conditions, disabilities and/or medication.
Further information is found at Education Swimming or call (08) 9402 6195.
Student allowances - Secondary Assistance Scheme (SAS)
The Secondary Assistance Scheme is intended to provide assistance to secondary students in meeting the costs of books and uniforms and includes eligible home-educated students. To be eligible for the allowance the parent/guardian must hold a Centrelink Family Health Care Card, a Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or a Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession card that represents a statement of income for the family. The student must be registered for home education at an education office.
The allowance consists of two components:
$115 Clothing Allowance paid directly to the parent/guardian.
$235 Educational Program Allowance paid directly to the parent/guardian.
Application is made by the parent or guardian for student/s registered for study in the secondary years.
Application forms are available from your regional education office. Applications must be received by the Schools Resourcing Branch (08 9264 4516) by the last day of term 1 of the current school year.
Student travel permits - SmartRider cards
Students registered for home education are eligible for student travel permits (known as a 'SmartRider' card) which provide student concessions on public transport. These permits are made available by the Department of Transport.
Go to the Transperth Information Website to order your child's Student SmartRider card. You will need to provide student information and a copy of your letter from the education department showing that your child is a registered homeschool student.. A fee of $5.00 is made for the purchase of the card.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) testing is conducted in May, and Home educated students are able to participate. NAPLAN information and registration forms are available from the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.
The Online Numeracy and Literacy Assessment (OLNA) assesses student achievement in literacy and numeracy. These assessments are in March each year. Home educated students (Years 10, 11, and 12) are able to participate. OLNAWA information and how to register: School Curriculum and Standards Authority.
Apprenticeships/Traineeships for Secondary School Students
The WA Department of Training and Workforce Development works with the education sector, the School Curriculum and Standards Authority and industry to support quality vocational education and training (VET) programs delivered to Western Australian secondary students (VETDSS). These programs include:
pre-apprenticeships in schools (PAiS); and
the Aboriginal school-based training program (ASBT).
An exemption in accordance with section 11 of the School Education Act 1999 permits a child to pursue an alternative option to full time schooling or full time home education such as an apprenticeship or traineeship. The child's parent/legal guardian must apply for the exemption, and approval can only be granted by the Minister for Education and Training (or delegate) if it is in the child’s best interests to do so.
Home educated WA students can apply for this exemption so as to enter the SBAT program.

Further Alternative Secondary Options in WA
During the compulsory education period, parents may consider that it is in their child's best interests to participate in education or training options other than full-time enrolment in a school.
If a child wishes to leave school before the end of Year 10, parents/legal guardians must obtain the Minister for Education and Training's approval for an exemption from full-time schooling.
If a child wishes to leave school during Years 11 and 12, parents/legal guardians must obtain the Minister for Education and Training's approval for a Notice of arrangements.
A child in Years 11 or 12 at school may attend a community based course. Younger students may also take part in community based courses as long as they remain enrolled at school.