Acknowledgement of Country demonstrates respect for Koorie people and acknowledges the spiritual, physical and cultural connection their ancestors have with their ‘country’ as the first people of the land now known as Victoria.
The Victorian Government supports parental choice in education and acknowledges that parents who choose to home educate their children do so for a variety of reasons and are willing to commit significant time, energy and resources.
The VIC Department of Education states that all children must go to school or be home schooled if they are between 6 and 17 years old. You may register in the year that they turn 6, while still 5 years of age.
If you opt to home educate your child(ren) then the Department states you take on the responsibility for:
planning their learning
teaching them
assessing what they've learn
You must submit a learning plan before you can be approved to home school your child.
The learning plan is to help you think about what education will most benefit your child. It should include:
what you will teach in the first year
how you will cover the eight learning areas
when and where this will happen.
The HEA Registration Support Team is available to help answer questions you may have in regards to state registration, or offer support if you need. Email heavic@hea.edu.au.
While we hope you will consider membership with us, the HEA supports Australian home educators regardless of membership.
The HEA also has a phone Helpline with experienced home educators who can assist you with any general home education questions you may have, particularly 'how to get started'. 1300 72 99 91
How to register with the VRQA (See the do's and don'ts here)
Step 1 - The Application Form
Step 2 - Required Documents - identity documents for your child and yourself, and any relevant court orders
Step 3 - Prepare your Learning Plan - you will need to submit with your application your plan to cover the 8 key learning areas for your child's education.
Step 4 - Submit via email to Victoria's Home Schooling Unit: home.schooling@education.vic.gov.au
Phone: 03 9637 2806
The Eight Learning Areas
English; Mathematics; Science; Humanities & Social Sciences; The Arts; Languages; Health & Physical Education; Information & Communication Technology, and Design & Technology
Learning Plans
These are not expected to be huge documents and do not need to be 'school-like'. Optional subject based and activity based templates and samples are available for download on VRQA's site. Exemptions from a learning area may be obtained under certain circumstances.
The following sample learning plans have been developed by the Victorian Home Education Advisory Committee and are acceptable to the VRQA. They cover different ages and circumstances.
Jane, aged six – subject-based (Jane docx )
Marie, aged seven- activity-based (Montessori) (Marie docx)
Josh, aged eight – subject-based (exemption for languages) (Josh docx)
Aaron, aged 10 – subject-based (natural learning, Dyslexia) (Aaron docx)
Rose, aged 10 – activity-based (Anxiety) (Rose docx)
Geoff, aged 12 – subject-based (poor mental health requiring multiple exemptions) (Geoff docx)
Caleb, aged 13 – activity-based (Asperger’s) (Caleb docx)
Sky, aged 14 – activity-based (Unschooling) (Sky docx)
Jessica, aged 15 – activity-based (exemption based on electives) (Jessica docx)
Florance, aged 16 – subject-based (Florance docx)
Create your own Learning Plan to submit with your application; use the above as guides.
If you would like someone from the HEA Support Team to look over your plan, email support@hea.edu.au
Partial Enrolment (or "part-time homeschooling")
In Victoria a combination of home based learning and attending a government school is possible. You can approach government schools to teach your child certain subjects or activities.
Approval can take up to 28 days and children are required to stay in school during the approval period. However, if your children would be at risk by remaining in school, request the principal’s approval to remove them; perhaps you may need a medical certificate. If you have difficulty the HEA can offer support.
If your registration application is rejected you have the right to reapply or make an appeal.
Ongoing requirements
Home educators are not required to follow the Victorian state F-10 curriculum. However referring to the overview of the Victorian Curriculum can be helpful for designing your Learning Plan.
You may home educate in any manner you choose as long as your substantially address the eight learning areas, taken as a whole.
It is your responsibility to renew your registration each November. The Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017 include a requirement that home schooling parents notify the VRQA in writing:
whenever there are any changes to
the parent or child’s name
the parent responsible for educating the child
the parent’s contact details
the address at which the home schooling is provided
within 14 days if the child ceases to be home schooled.
by 30 November each year that home schooling instruction is continuing for the following calendar year (January to December)
The Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017 to review a homeschooling registration. Up to 10% of families will be selected each year for a review of their home schooling arrangements. The objective of a review is to check whether regular and efficient instruction has been provided to a home schooled child. The review involves only one child's registration, not their siblings.
The review process can be electronic, phone-based, face-to-face, or in some cases a combination of these. Home visits are not compulsory.
It is your responsibility to ensure the VRQA has your current address/contact details. If you are to be reviewed, you will be notified early in the year (Feb/March) and approximately when your review will take place. A firmer time will be given closer to the date.
You should use the time to review the Learning Plan you proposed and look over the sample review materials (samples listed above).
In the review you will be asked to articulate or demonstrate that your child is receiving an education that substantially addresses the eight learning areas, there is no mandated way to do that – it could be by a phone chat/interview if you wish or by submitting work samples/journal/spreadsheet etc.
In some cases, the VRQA may request further information and/or arrange an interview with the parent. Parent interviews would occur only with the parent’s consent, and could occur at the home (if the parent agrees) or at another suitable location, such as a local library. There is no requirement for the VRQA to visit families in their homes. Note that section 5.8.2 (4) of the Act forbids VRQA staff from entering your home without your permission. A family may be accompanied by a support person if they wish.
If they are still not satisfied, your registration can be cancelled. You can make an appeal if you choose.
Travel is permitted under Victorian home education registration as long as you have a Victorian residential address and intend to return to Victoria. The VRQA want to be informed if you intend to be away for more than a few weeks.

State Resources for Home Educators
Registration Support
Registration information session video
Homeschooling Regulation Changes (slideshow)
Home schooling registration activity reports
Reviews video presentations
VRQA has collated a list of online resources by learning area
ARC- Fun at Home - https://arc.educationapps.vic.gov.au/home
VCAA (Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority) - F to 10 Curriculum with mapping templates
Languages Online
Victorian School of Languages
Community Language Schools - Accredited community language schools can apply for per capita funding on behalf of home-schooled students who are registered for home-schooling with the VRQA. For more information about community language schools contact Ethnic Schools’ Association of Victorian at http://www.communitylanguages.org.au/
Scootle is a web based resource bank which provides access to digital teaching and learning content published by Education Services Australia (ESA). While they are registered home educators, parents may request access to Scootle by emailing home.schooling@edumail.vic.gov.au
The Isolated Children’s Allowance
ISA is available to some home educators on medical grounds. Medical reasons may include mental health issues such as anxiety and depression from bullying or family trauma such as a severely ill parent. Further information is available at: https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/assistance-isolated-children
ID Card
While home educated students are not eligible for the a Victorian Student Transport Pass through Public Transport Victoria (PTV), PTV will provide home schooled students an ID card for $9 allowing them to obtain a normal child pass. This is particularly useful if they are still homeschooling past 17 years old (or look older than 17!). Go to PTV to find out how to obtain.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) testing is conducted in May. NAPLAN tests are not compulsory for home educated children. Tests must be completed under supervision at school and with the child's age-equivalent year level. If you would like your child to sit NAPLAN, contact a registered school to establish a partial enrolment arrangement to attend the test days. Partial enrolment is at the discretion of the school principal and we cannot intervene if a principal does not support your application.
Victorian Training Guarantee (VTG) to undertake VCE/VCAL/vocational Certificates and Diplomas
The Victorian Training Guarantee is an entitlement to government subsidised training in Victoria. The registered training organisations (RTOs) that are contracted with the Victorian Government to deliver this training are bound by the requirements of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Funding Contract.
Registered homeschooled students in Victoria are unable to access VTG. However, if a student de-register as a homeschooler with VRQA they then subject to eligibility rules they could undertake the VCE or VCAL, or a training qualification (at Certificate or Diploma level), and enrol in the Registered Training Organisation of their choice using the Victorian Training Guarantee. Then after completing the qualification, they could then re-register as a homeschooler.
The place can be for study undertaken either full-time or part-time. A list of funded courses can be found HERE.
Additional information to note: Eligible concession card holders enrolling in qualifications up to Certificate IV level pay only 20 per cent of the standard course fee. Students enrolling in Diploma or Advanced Diploma courses may be able to access VET FEE-HELP, which provides a loan to the student to cover course fees which does not have to be repaid until their taxable income reaches a specified threshold (currently around $46k per annum).