Families registered with Queensland's Home Education Unit should have received an email from them this week with information about research being conducted about home education. The HEA encourages all HEU-registered families to complete this survey (one time only). We have been in touch with the Department of Education and our HEAQ Team Leader has done the survey herself. We are confident the information supplied will be anonymous and unable to have any negative ramifications for the home education community. The hope is that, from this research, the Department will be able to provide a more agile funding model so that the HEU can be more appropriately and promptly resourced when there are significant increases in registration, as has been occurring in recent years. We have been advocating for the HEU to engage in stakeholder feedback for some time - so this is a step in the right direction. Let's take the opportunity to have our voices heard.
If you have further questions, you can contact the HEAQ team at heaq@hea.edu.au.

We are currently recruiting team members for HEAQ.
Our QLD team provides support for families to meet their legal obligations of registration and reporting; advocates with policy makers and regulators for reasonable, accessible regulation; and engages with tertiary education providers to make access easier for all Queensland Home Educated Students. If you're a Queensland HEA member with a couple of hours a week and a willingness to learn, we'd love to talk to you about joining the team.