We recognise and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the lands and waterways where we learn and live. We celebrate the First Peoples' unique cultural and spiritual relationship to Country and acknowledge the significance of Aboriginal cultures in Australia.
New South Wales
NSW legislation allows parents to choose to educate their children at home. Home schooling is provided for in Part 7, Subdivision 5 of the Education Act 1990
In NSW the parents' right to determine the educational pathway of their child is enshrined in law, with one of the principles on which the NSW Education Act (1990) is based being that the education of a child is primarily the responsibility of the child’s parents (4b). The Education Act states that you must be enrolled or registered for home education
Education Act 1990
"s.4 Principles on which this Act is based
(b) the education of a child is primarily the responsibility of the child’s parents,
s.5 Principal objects of this Act
d) to allow children to be educated at home”
Registration is a legal requirement for home educated children of compulsory school age (6-17), but optional registration is available for children turning 5 by 31 July in the year of application, and students up to, and beyond age 18.
Home Education in NSW is regulated by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), who are responsible for processing applications for home education.

As at 31 December 2021, the number of registered home educated students was 8993. That represents an increase of 28.89% since 2020, and 90% over the 5 years 2017-2021. The population growth in NSW has been less than 1.5% annually over the same time period.

Source: Homeschooling Data Reports, NESA
Registering for Home Education
Application forms and the Guidelines for Homeschooling Registration in NSW can be found on on the NESA website.
Here's the process in a nutshell:
Fill in the Application form for Registration and email or post.
You will be contacted by the Authorised Person (AP) - usually by phone - to arrange a home visit. You do not need to provide any information during this call - it is simply to make a time for the home visit.
The AP visits you in your home. Due to Covid-19, this process may occur electronically via zoom or similar. See NESA website for up to date changes to the process.

The HEA Registration Support Team is available to help answer questions you may have in regards to state registration, or offer support if you need. Email support@hea.edu.au While we hope you will consider membership with us, the HEA supports Australian home educators regardless of membership.
The HEA also has a phone Helpline with experienced home educators who can assist you with any general home education questions you may have, particularly 'how to get started'. 1300 72 99 91
Meet The HEANSW Team

Preparing for the AP visit
You will need (as listed on the NESA application form):
A plan linked to the NSW Syllabus,
A system of record keeping,
Resources to show the AP.
There are a number of ways to show that the education program is based on the NSW syllabuses.
Many families find that using the Stage Statements of the syllabuses as a base is simple and effective. Stage statements are a brief plain-English description of each subject or ‘Key Learning Area’ (KLA) for each stage of the syllabuses.
Likewise, there is no set way to keep your records or required resources. It's helpful to read the NESA guidelines, and to refer back to these if your AP asks for particular types or numbers of records or samples. It is your responsibility to provide an education.
HEA can provide support with putting together a plan, and recommends having an experienced home educator provide support. For help with documentation, finding a supporter, or other support, email heansw@hea.edu.au.
Free Support Documents for all Home Educators:
As part of our commitment to supporting all home educators, these resources are provided
free of charge for everyone. But we'd love you to join us at the HEA! We are a member funded NFP.
Only HEA Members can access the below Sample Plans and you must be logged into the Website.
"At first, we just thought of the HEA as just another good place to get information, perhaps also a good place for some general guidance &/or at least, just for some more ‘tips’. However, little did we know that we were going to be, not only guided & supported, but we turned out to be nurtured & assisted in a way far, far beyond our expectations.
The level of help has been absolutely astounding & we just simply cannot be grateful enough for the support we’ve received. "
"The HEA has been so supportive and a wealth of information that has helped me on my journey. It's so empowering to know where you stand and be able to use your voice accordingly. Thank you again, I love all the support and advice the HEA so generously gives."
NSW Home Educators Discussion Forum
All NSW Home Educators are invited to join our discussion forum. It's free to join (regardless of HEA membership). If you are looking for a place to ask discuss all things home education, or get support with registration, or invite others to your local home ed events, then this group is for you. Our NSW team are ready and waiting to chat with you.

State Resources for Home Educators
Registered Home Educated Students aged 15 and over are eligible for Smart & Skilled funding to access TAFE courses. TAFE courses may be included as part of the learning plan for home educated Students.
NSW Student Concession Cards
For a Transport Concession Entitlement Card, NSW/ACT complete the home-schooled students application form.
Applications must be accompanied by
proof of identity
proof of age
your Certificate of Registration for Homeschooling issued by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)
Be sure to prepare a photocopy or scan of any required supporting documents outlined in the form.
Upload and submit your completed application form and any supporting documents online via the Concessions application form.
Creative Kids Vouchers
A new Active and Creative Kids voucher program will start early 2024.
Parents & carers of registered home educated students - there will be new $50 vouchers available from 1 July 2023 that parents can use towards enrolling school-aged children in sport and recreation activites. These vouchers will expire 31 January 2024 and are only available to parents who did not redeem their previous $100 vouchers.
Vouchers can be used to contribute to registration, participation and tuition costs for performing arts, visual arts, coding, languages, literature, music and other creative and cultural activities with our approved list of activity providers.
Here's the official page on Creative Kids:
and that has a link to the changes at the top which takes you here:
The new voucher will be for $50 and will be issued twice a year, at the start of terms 1 and 3, beginning in 2024.
It will cover activities currently available under both the Active Kids and Creative Kids voucher programs."
Find out more & apply here: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/campaign/creative-kids
Active Kids Vouchers
The NSW Government is helping kids get active with the Active Kids program.
The Active Kids program provides two $100 vouchers for parents, guardians and carers of school-enrolled children (including registered home educated students) to use towards sport and active recreation costs each year.
Find out more here: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/active-kids
Public Dental Services
All children (under 18 years of age) who are NSW residents are eligible for public dental services in NSW. More information: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/oralhealth/Pages/info-patients.aspx#eligibility
Some children may also be eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS), an Australian Government program that provides access to up to $1000 in benefits over two consecutive calendar years, covering most basic general dental services (but not specialist services like orthodontics or services provided under general anaesthetic.)
To be eligible for the CDBS, a child must be:
aged between 2-17 years
their family must receive Family Tax Benefit Part A or a relevant Australian Government payment.
More information: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/oralhealth/Pages/child-dental-benefits-schedule.aspx
The Isolated Children’s Allowance
ISA is available to some home educators on medical grounds. Medical reasons may include mental health issues such as anxiety and depression from bullying or family trauma such as a severely ill parent. Further information is available at: https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/assistance-isolated-children
Scootle is a content discovery portal containing more than 16,000 teaching resources. Access to Scootle is free for registered home educators! Simply email NESA (homeschooling@nesa.nsw.edu.au) and ask for access.
NESA Home Packs
Remote Learning resources provided during pandemic.